Teresa Tomeo is a bestselling author, syndicated Catholic talk show host, and speaker with more than thirty years of experience in print and broadcast media. Her weekday radio program, Catholic Connection, a coproduction of Ave Maria Radio and EWTN, is heard daily on 300 stations nationwide and also SiriusXM Satellite Radio. Her TV show, The Catholic View for Women, is seen twice weekly on EWTN.
Tomeo is a columnist and special correspondent for Our Sunday Visitor. She has been featured on The O’Reilly Factor, Fox News, Fox and Friends, MSNBC, and the Dr. Laura Show. She was named a Vatican conference speaker and conference delegate and spoke at the 2013 conference the “Rights of the Family and the Challenges of the Contemporary World” sponsored by the Pontifical Council for the Family. Tomeo participated in the Vatican Women’s Congress in 2008. She speaks throughout North America and also leads retreats and pilgrimages annually. Tomeo is a teacher for St. Benedict Press’s Catholic Courses. Her books include Extreme Makeover, God's Bucket List, and Walk Softly and Carry and Great Bag. She and her husband, Dominick, Pastore live in St. Clair Shores, Michigan.