Faith in Action Resources

Volunteer and Community Outreach Ministry

Christ in the City

The Care and Concern Ministry at St. John the Evangelist, Pittston, Pennsylvania

Full of Grace Café, Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Parish, St. Amant, Louisiana

Center for the Homeless, South Bend, Indiana

Catholic Charities of Southwest Louisiana

Catholic Charities USA

The Catholic Worker (There are 175 Catholic Worker communities throughout the United States and another 29 abroad.)

Many dioceses also have Catholic Charities office. Check your diocesan website for more details.

Knights of Columbus (also check with your local chapter)

St. Vincent de Paul Society (also check with your local chapter)

Catholic Volunteer Network


Prayer for a Time of National Emergency

Prayer for an End to Racism

Prayer for the Future of Our Nation


Pro-Life Organizations

The Gabriel Project

Pro-Life Action Ministries

Many dioceses and parishes also have pro-life ministries. Check your parish or diocesan website for more details.

Sisters of Life

Elizabeth Ministry International (also check with your local parish chapter)


International Organizations

Mercy Beyond Borders

Catholic Relief Services



Pax Christi International (US chapter)

Cross Catholic Outreach

Holy Cross Mission Center



USCCB Resources on Catholic Social Teaching

Examination of Conscience in Light of Catholic Social Teaching

#BlackCatholics Syllabus

Meet the pioneers who cleared the path for today‘s Catholic activists by Kaya Oakes, U.S. Catholic

Sr. Thea Bowman's Speech to US Catholic Bishops (1989)

Many parishes also have a variety of stewardship of service ministries. Check your parish website for details.