
The Mass


“If we really understood the Mass, we would die of joy.”— St. John Vianney

Each week, Catholics all over the world fill the pews of their parishes to listen to the Word of God and receive the Body and Blood of Christ—the Eucharist. Even though we are present and participate in the Mass, we may not be fully aware of why the sacred liturgy is the most important act of worship we do as Catholics.

In Ave Explores: The Mass you will learn about the history and structure of the liturgy, how to combat distractions during the service, ways to be a more active participant in the homily, and how the Mass can transform your life.

Join Katie Prejean McGrady and special guests—including Fr. Patrick Mary Briscoe, OP; Deacon Greg Kandra; theologians Tim O’Malley and Susan M. Timoney; pastoral minister Shannon Wimp Schmidt; and authors Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran—for a multimedia look at the riches of Catholic worship.