eTextbook PDF Site License Program

PDF Site License

Price: $19.99 per student
Whether you are manually downloading books to student computers or providing access through your school learning management system, a PDF site license may be the best option for your school. In order to protect the rights of the eTextbook, schools will need to sign a contract with Ave Maria Press for the number of students who will need access to the eTextbook in a given year. When the contract is signed, Ave Maria Press will provide the PDF file to the schools to distribute to the students' devices.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a sample copy of the eTextbook?

The files we provide are simple PDFs with small adjustments that make it more difficult to share electronically. To test out one of these files, simply download a sample chapter from one of our textbooks. For example: Sample Chapter of Jesus Christ: God's Revelation to the World.

If you would like to get a full sample copy of the book, you can request a printed copy to be sent for review by your department and school.

Can the students highlight, take notes, and comment on the PDFs?

If your students are using iPads, there are a number of apps that will enable you to have all eReader functionality, including highlighting, note-taking, underlining, bookmarking, and searching. We have found the most popular iPad PDF reader app among our eTextbook schools to be the GoodReader App, which is available for $5.99 in the iTunes Store.

If your students have laptop PCs or tablet PCs, the options are more limited. Microsoft OneNote is the most popular note-taking application for PDFs and allows highlighting and note-taking.

How do students get access to the PDF?

Each school has approached this differently. Some schools manually load them onto devices during the summer. Other schools are using their own servers or cloud computing services (like these) to give students access to the files. At the end of the year, we will approach you to ensure the PDFs have been removed from the devices.

Find Out More Information

Email us to set up an appointment to talk about the eTextbook program.