Episode 13

Forming and Fostering Community

Featuring Catherine Fowler Sample

Nov. 9, 2020 | 20 min.

Catherine Fowler Sample, author of Gather Together and creator of The Dating Project documentary, shares how forming community is essential to our faith and valuable for our well-being and happiness. Fowler Sample offers tips on ways we can foster friendships and relationships even during the Covid-19 pandemic.

About the Author

Catherine Fowler Sample wrote and produced the award-winning documentary The Dating Project, for which she appeared on a number of Catholic radio and television stations, including EWTN, CatholicTV, and Relevant Radio. She is a former production executive at Mpower Pictures, where she wrote and produced two faith-based curriculums on dating and relationships, and worked on multiple films, including The Drop Box and Emanuel. Fowler Sample also has served as a writer and producer on projects for Family Theater Productions and Focus on the Family. She speaks nationally to Catholic audiences on dating and relationships.

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