Healing for Adult Children of Divorce with the Founders of Life-Giving Wounds
Featuring Daniel and Bethany Meola
In this episode, Chenele talks with Daniel and Bethany Meola, cofounders of Life-Giving Wounds, a ministry for Catholic adult children of divorce that allows them to discuss their pain and experience Christ's healing. The Meolas also share resources they offer, including online or in-person retreats, support groups, and more.
About the Author
Daniel and Bethany Meola are cofounders of Life-Giving Wounds, a Catholic ministry for adult children of divorce. Daniel—an adult child of divorce who has more than fifteen years of experience giving retreats—serves as president and Bethany, vice president. She served the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for seven years in the Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth.
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