Episode 127

Solidarity and the Gospel of Food

Featuring Fr. Leo Patalinghug

September 4, 2023 | 18 min.

Food has a special place in the gospels. From the miracle at the Wedding of Cana, to countless parables about cooking and feasting, to even the Last Supper, so many powerful moments in Jesus’s life and ministry centers around meals and eating with people from all different walks of life.

In the second episode of the Ave Spotlight Compassion in Action series, guest Fr. Leo Patalinghug of Plating Grace chats with Chenele about why Jesus used meals to create solidarity and how we as Christians can continue to do that today. He also shares how a meal with others not only satisfies our physical hunger, but also our deepest craving to be known, loved, heard, and seen. Discover through Fr. Leo’s stories how this healing presence of community mixed with the joy of feasting can bridge gaps, combat marginalization, and build authentic connections.

About the Author

Fr. Leo Patalinghug is a Catholic priest from Baltimore, and the founder of Plating Grace and The Table Foundation, with a mission to strengthen families and communities around the dinner table.

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