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Exploring “12 Little Ways” to Embrace the Evangelical Mission of the Church
Dr. Susan MutoDrawing from her in depth study of the life of St. Thérèse of Lisieux, Dr. Susan Muto will introduce twelve ways to transform the hearts of parish ministers. These ways range from learning to appreciate the richness of the ordinary to trusting divine mercy.This webinar will explore four lessons that parish ministers can apply to their lives today and that they share with anyone in their parish who is committed to becoming reanimated followers of Christ in today’s world.
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13 Ways to Become a Better Religious Educator During Summer Break
Jared Dees
School's out, but that doesn't mean teachers and catechists can't use the summer to become the best teachers and leaders they can be next year!Jared Dees, author of the new book 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator, will share thirteen exercises and scriptural reflections for religious educators to increase their effectiveness as master-teachers. Participants will renew their sense of mission as they reflect on this past school year and look ahead to the next school year.All registered participants will get a handout with exercises to share with their colleagues over the summer.Download the handouts for this webinar ...
School's out, but that doesn't mean teachers and catechists can't use the summer to become the best teachers and leaders they can be next year!Jared Dees, author of the new book 31 Days to Becoming a Better Religious Educator, will share thirteen exercises and scriptural reflections for religious educators to increase their effectiveness as master-teachers. Participants will renew their sense of mission as they reflect on this past school year and look ahead to the next school year.All registered participants will get a handout with exercises to share with their colleagues over the summer.Download the handouts for this webinar at

Praying, Reflecting, and Sharing the Faith with the Questions of Jesus
Allan F. WrightGood teachers have good answers but exceptional teachers ask great questions. There is no greater teacher than Jesus and the hundred plus questions he asks throughout the Gospels can still comfort and challenge us today.In this webinar Allan Wright will discuss a few of the questions Jesus poses in the Gospels as a way to grow in our faith and and to share that faith with others.
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5 Ways Your Parish Can Share Your Community Experience on Social Media
Sherry Hayes-PeirceMany parishes are looking for ways to draw new members or engage current ones. There are many ways that social media can help with that. This webinar will provide five easy ways to create posts that capture your unique parish culture and community experience. Examples that have worked for parishes will be shared.
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6 Leadership Lessons from the Saints and How to Live Them Today
John CannonLeadership books pack bookstore shelves, but few are rooted in an authentically Catholic perspective. The Church claims some of the greatest leaders in world history—the saints. Based on a year of research, John Cannon will discuss six lessons for authentic Catholic leadership rooted in the lives of great saint leaders. He also will offer clear, practical applications for leaders today.
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