In this webinar Sr. Terry Rickard, Executive Director of RENEW International, will reflect on the Year of Mercy and offer practical ways our parishes can bring mercy into people’s hearts and homes, especially during the Advent season.
During the webinar, Sr. Terry asked the participants to share what their parish is doing to celebrate the Year of Mercy. Here are some of their ideas:
A Wall of Mercy
To start, we are creating a "Wall of Mercy" on which we are hanging up images, stories, poems, etc. that parishioners offer that illustrate mercy - it's a way to help people understand how big a concept mercy is. We have asked people to bring in some images or write down a narrative. We are also providing outlines of crosses on which they can write something simple. As examples, someone wrote down how Pope John Paul II forgave the person who shot him. Another person submitted a picture of the Amish women in Pennsylvania after they forgave the person who shot their children. We are hanging them up on the wall in our Social Hall. We're decorating it with paper and fabric, and will simply hang things up as we get them so everyone can come down and see them.
Food and Clothing Drives
Catechesis and Carrying Out the Works of Mercy
Adult Faith Formation
Promoting Personal Prayer
Other Ideas