Be Healed: A Guide to Encountering the Powerful Love of Jesus in Your Life
This webinar is for all those who truly desire to share Jesus' powerful love with others, and who personally long for ever deepening healing encounters with Him. With over thirty-five years of experience in parish ministry and in working intimately with Church leaders, Bob Schuchts has led many into profound healing encounters with Jesus.
During this webinar, Bob will invite each of the participants to take a fresh look at their personal lives through the lenses of their baptisms and the prodigal son story, showing how we all readily adopt false identities and, in doing so, obscure the face of Jesus in our ministries.
Sharing experiences from his own healing journey, Bob will encourage participants to enter more fully into their baptismal identities as beloved sons and daughters of the Father. All genuine ministry flows from this foundational identity, which becomes strengthened by personal healing experiences.