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Bodacious! 10 Discussion Starters about the Feminine Genius during the Year of Faith

Pat Gohn 

In this webinar Pat Gohn, author of the new book Blessed, Beautiful, and Bodacious, and Endow's Executive Director and Bodacious Foreword writer, Terry Polakovic, discuss the top themes that celebrate the gift of womanhood from a Catholic perspective. In this "Top Ten" style presentation, (with apologies to David Letterman), Pat and Terry unpack the wisdom and the beauty of the feminine genius, with a special emphasis on a woman's blessed dignity, beautiful gifts, and bodacious mission.

Using a "best of" approach, these two educators will offer fast-paced snippets quoting key resources and magisterial documents that can be used as conversation starters with women, as well as offering resources that can become the basis of local parish curricula or discussion groups for women.

The new evangelization will never move forward without women understanding their specific role in it. Here's a great place to start.

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