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Forming Followers, Not Fans: How to Help Young People Meet Jesus

Katie Prejean McGrady 

There are two essential questions young people ask during their faith formation:

  1. Who is Jesus?
  2. How can I get to know him for myself?

Short of giving them a two hour lecture, what can we do to engage young people in practical, inspirational, and innovative ways that help them discover the answers to those questions and in the process actually form a relationship with the Lord?

The answer is quite simple: teach them to pray, help them dive into Scripture, lead them to the Sacraments, and give them opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we help them do these things (pray, read, receive, and serve), then Jesus becomes far more than a fairytale figure or concept in a textbook. He becomes someone with whom they can have a real, personal, and authentic relationship.

Join author and speaker Katie Prejean McGrady in this high-energy presentation for anyone who works with youth in the Church today.

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