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Pope Francis on Faith and Evangelization: Insights into Lumen Fidei and Evangelii Gaudium

Jared Dees 

Pope Francis on Faith and Evangelization: Insights into Lumen Fidei and Evangelii Gaudium

Get the PowerPoint and handouts for this webinar: Webinar Downloads.

In the first year of his papacy, Pope Francis gave us two incredible documents to read, study, and apply to our daily lives. Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith) offers an overview and reflection on the meaning of faith and how it is important in the life of the Church and in the lives of individual Christians. Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) is a call to arms for the Christian faithful to step out of their comfort zones and become missionary disciples and spirit-filled evangelizers.

Jared Dees, author of The Lumen Fidei Study Guide and moderator of this Professional Development Webinar Series, will share some reflections for Catholic faith formation and evangelziation based on these two very important documents.

The webinar will be divided into two parts:

First, Jared will summarize and elaborate on the key points of both documents in a short overview that could easily be shared or adapted for parish presentations of these documents. (Free downloads will be available for webinar participants.)

In the second part of the webinar, Jared will point out specific ways parish ministers can apply these documents to the way they carry out their work as pastors, DREs, catechists, teachers, faith formation leaders, retreat leaders, and parents.

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