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Rebuilding Your Message Webinar

Fr. Michael White |Tom Corcoran 

Communication is fundamental to our human experience. When it comes to the parish, being able to effectively share a message is a vitally important work. Much of the work parish leaders do in the Church all comes down to communication. We have been given the important task of communicating God’s love, mercy, and justice to a fallen and broken world. Our message matters now more than ever.

Our message matters, but transmitting it is not always easy. It can be a challenge to clarify what we want to communicate and then to present it in a way that gets through to the parish community. The very brokenness of the world makes it difficult to hear the good news and challenging for us to communicate the message of the gospel.

This webinar shares some of the key lessons Fr. Michael White and Tom Corcoran learned as the leaders of the Church of the Nativity. Join them and learn the strategies and tactics that were instrumental in the rebuilding of their parish, especially the ways in which they communicated with their parish.

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