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10 Ways to Get the Most Out of NCYC Before, After, and During the Event

Bob McCarty |Kevin Feyen |Cindee Case |Kim McMillan |Jackie Francois Angel  

At the National Catholic Youth Conference (NCYC), more than 20,000 teens from all over the United States will gather together in Indianapolis, Indiana, for a four day celebration that includes dynamic speakers, powerful workshops, worship music, and a number of interactive activities.

To help the parish and diocesan leaders prepare themselves and their teens for this landmark event, Ave Maria Press is partnering with the National Federation of Catholic Youth Ministers (NFCYM) and the National Association of Catholic Youth Ministry Leaders (NACYML) to gather a panel of experts to help everyone in attendance get the most out of their experience before, during, and after NCYC.

This panel will include:

Bob McCarty
Executive Director
National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry (NFCYM)

Kevin Feyen
Director of Adolescent Faith Formation
Archdiocese of Dubuque

Cindee Case
Director of the Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Diocese of Youngstown

Kim McMillan
Director of Youth Ministry
St. Benedict Parish, Chicago, Illinois

Jackie Francois Angel
Keynote Speaker and Emcee
National Catholic Youth Conference

Join them as they share some of the best ways to prepare for the event, how to have a great experience while there, and what to do once you get home.

Whether you are attending NCYC this year, hope to attend in the future, or you are gathering groups of teens for another Catholic youth conference this year, join us for and discover new ways to inspire the adolescents in your parish.

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