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Parishes, New Media, and the New Evangelization: A Roundtable Discussion

Domenico Bettinelli|Ashley Collins|Jared Dees|Lisa Hendey|Josh SImmons|Matthew Warner 

In this edition of the Ave Maria Press Professional Development Webinar Series, we will host a number of new media and new evangelization experts in a roundtable discussion about how parishes can use digital media to reach new people and connect with their parishioners.

Topics for discussion may include:

  • Social media for beginners
  • Developing dynamic parish websites
  • Effectively using Facebook pages
  • Case studies and examples of parishes effectively using new media
  • How to use email to reach parishioners
  • Opportunities in SMS and text messaging

This will be a new and exciting format for the webinar series. Unlike past webinars, the panelists will not create their own slideshow presentations. After some initial questions and a discussion guided by the moderator, the panelists will take questions from the webinar participants on a wide variety of topics.

Our panel of experts includes:

Domenico Bettinelli\nArchdiocese of Boston

Ashley Collins\nPeter and Paul Ministries

Jared Dees (moderator)\nAve Maria Press

Lisa Hendey\

Josh Simmons\neCatholic

Matthew Warner\nFlocknote