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People, Not Programs: Forming Leaders Who Accompany

Paul Sifuentes, Director of Youth Ministry at the Archdiocese of Indianapolis|Jake Teitgen, Director of Youth Ministry at Our Lady of Grace Catholic Church in Noblesville, IN 

What happens when a new volunteer signs up to be a leader for young people in ministry? All over the country, people are signing up for this role, even now during the time of Covid-19. But how do ministry leaders help these volunteers understand that they’re doing much more than a once-a-week volunteer role? What moves an adult from signing up to help out to accompanying young people in their journey of faith? There’s no silver-bullet program that solves this for a volunteer, but there are principles that work for every program (even during a pandemic) that lead to forming young disciples. In this webinar, Paul Sifuentes and Jake Teitgen bring thirty years of youth ministry experience to the table to share the five key principles of small group leadership as they focus on people, not programs.

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