Empowering Families Through Parish Ministry Webinar
Lauri Przybysz
Lauri Przybysz, Catholic family life minister, catechist, and president of NACFLM, understands how parish ministers spend a great deal of care and energy in meeting the needs of the families they serve. This practical webinar will help parishes ensure that current programs, policies, and ministries are building up family life and assist families -- of all ages and descriptions -- to recognize their unique call as church of the home. Explore ways to develop working relationships with families and make adjustments to alleviate some stresses they -- and you --experience.
Her are the links to the resources mentioned in the webinar:
National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers, www.nacflm.org, Contact: NACFLM National Office, PO Box 23, Alpha, OH 45301, nacflm@gmail.com, 937-431-5443.