Where Two or Three are Texting: Incarnation and Sacrament in a Virtual World
Jonathan F. Sullivan
The young people in our schools and parishes are increasingly citizens of a virtual world where they carry out many traditionally “physical” activities, including living out their faith! Other Christian communities are experimenting with “online church.” What is an "online church" and is it an option for Catholics? How does the "digital continent" influence the way we prepare young people and catechumens to receive the sacraments?
This webinar will explore these questions and offer some avenues for appropriate use of digital technologies in living our faith.
Jonathan F. Sullivan is the director of catechetical services for the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. He blogs on evangelization and catechesis at www.JonathanFSullivan.com.
Presentations Slides and Notes
Check out Jonathan's blog for a complete list of notes and links from the presentation.
He has also been kind enough to share his presentation on Slideshare: