Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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Joyful Witness in the Spirit of Francis and Clare of Assisi

Susan Muto|Lori McMahon
Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi, by their words and deeds, encouraged Christians to live out the belief that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor in spirit. In fact, the core of Franciscan spirituality claims that the reality of God’s divine love enables us to radiate joyful optimism and sacrificial generosity. In this session, Susan Muto and Lori McMahon of the Epiphany Association—which promotes the teaching and research of formative spirituality—will explore fundamental themes of Franciscan spirituality, leading us to a deeper understanding of how we are called to full participation in Christ, embracing a life of suffering, joy, a...
Sts. Francis and Clare of Assisi, by their words and deeds, encouraged Christians to live out the belief that the kingdom of heaven belongs to the poor in spirit. In fact, the core of Franciscan spirituality claims that the reality of God’s divine love enables us to radiate joyful optimism and sacrificial generosity. In this session, Susan Muto and Lori McMahon of the Epiphany Association—which promotes the teaching and research of formative spirituality—will explore fundamental themes of Franciscan spirituality, leading us to a deeper understanding of how we are called to full participation in Christ, embracing a life of suffering, joy, and compassion.
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La Iglesia: Pueblo de Dios llamado a la comunión (Webinar)

Hosffman Ospino
Uno de los grandes desafíos para los católicos estadounidense en el siglo XXI es ser arquitectos de comunión en medio de la diversidad, el pluralismo y las tendencias secularizadoras de nuestro tiempo. En este webinar reflexionamos qué significa ser Iglesia explorando ciertos principios teológicos, bíblicos e históricos clave que nos ayudan a entendernos como Pueblo de Dios. Reflexionamos también en la experiencia y contribuciones de los católicos hispanos a la construcción de una Iglesia que es comunión en esta esquina del mundo. Éste es un gran recurso para catequistas y evangelizadores interesados en presentar el tema de la Iglesia con ...
Uno de los grandes desafíos para los católicos estadounidense en el siglo XXI es ser arquitectos de comunión en medio de la diversidad, el pluralismo y las tendencias secularizadoras de nuestro tiempo. En este webinar reflexionamos qué significa ser Iglesia explorando ciertos principios teológicos, bíblicos e históricos clave que nos ayudan a entendernos como Pueblo de Dios. Reflexionamos también en la experiencia y contribuciones de los católicos hispanos a la construcción de una Iglesia que es comunión en esta esquina del mundo. Éste es un gran recurso para catequistas y evangelizadores interesados en presentar el tema de la Iglesia con entusiasmo.The Church: People of God Called to CommunionOne of the greatest challenges for US Catholics in the twenty-first century is to be architects of communion in the midst of diversity, pluralism, and the secular trends of our time. In this webinar, we will discuss what it means to be Church by looking at key theological, biblical, and historical principles that help us understand ourselves as People of God. We will also reflect on the experience and contributions of Hispanic Catholics who are building a US Church in communion. This is a great resource for catechists and evangelizers interested in introducing the topic of the Church with enthusiasm.This webinar is presented only in Spanish by Dr. Hosffman Ospino.
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Understanding and Sharing Pope Francis's Encyclical, Laudato Si Webinar

Ted Miles
Understanding and Sharing Pope Francis's Encyclical, Laudato SiIn his encyclical, Laudato Si, Pope Francis invites "every person living on this planet" to an inclusive dialogue about our responsibility to care for all God’s creation.In this webinar Ted Miles, Youth and Education Relationship Manager at Catholic Relief Services, highlights some of the core themes of the Holy Father’s recent encyclical in light of the environmental challenges faced by the world’s most vulnerable people. Explore the collection of resources offered by Catholic Relief Services and others that aid in fostering dialogue and faith-filled engagement w...
Understanding and Sharing Pope Francis's Encyclical, Laudato SiIn his encyclical, Laudato Si, Pope Francis invites "every person living on this planet" to an inclusive dialogue about our responsibility to care for all God’s creation.In this webinar Ted Miles, Youth and Education Relationship Manager at Catholic Relief Services, highlights some of the core themes of the Holy Father’s recent encyclical in light of the environmental challenges faced by the world’s most vulnerable people. Explore the collection of resources offered by Catholic Relief Services and others that aid in fostering dialogue and faith-filled engagement with young people on this core issue of our time.
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The What, Why, and How of Pre-Evangelization, Evangelization, and Discipleship

Marcel LeJeune
In this webinar Marcel LeJeune, founder of, will guide you through an exploration of the stages of pre-evangelization, evangelization, and discipleship. You will come to a better understanding of what the stages are, why we need them, and how to apply them in pastoral ministry.
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Let Nothing Be Wasted: Living the Full Power and Joy of the Incarnation

Dominic A. Aquila
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Let's Talk about Truth

Ann M. Garrido
In the midst of the presidential election season that's already heating up, questions of truth, lies, and “fake news” become part of everyday conversations. These conversations often cause tension among families, friends, and fellow Christians. As preachers and teachers of the faith, we are called to shed light on discussions of truth rather than add to the heat. In this webinar, we'll look at four distinct ways the Catholic tradition talks about the word “truth” and consider how each of them gives us clues for how to live our faith in this challenging time.
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Light in the Darkness: Teaching the Dark Ages

Phillip Campbell
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The Living Gospel: Warming Hearts this Lent through Witness and Story

Theresa Rickard, OP
The Living Gospel: "Warming Hearts" this Lent through Witness and StoryPope Francis encourages us to be a Church that warms hearts. One of the best ways to warm hearts, whether teaching or preaching, is through witness and story: helping people encounter God in the ordinary stuff of life.Sr. Terry Rickard, OP, president and executive director of RENEW International, will share best practices for gathering powerful personal stories, incorporating the sharing of witness into your Lenten parish experience, and fostering an ongoing culture of witness among parishioners.
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