Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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What Happens After COVID-19: Why Real Presence Really Matters

Timothy P. O' Malley
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Why Young People are Leaving the Church (and What to Do About It)

Everett Fritz
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Win It All for God’s Kids: Be More Passionate than a Football Coach

Justin Fatica
Do you know this man? He's the person with intricate headphones pacing back and forth on the worn, dew-covered turf every Friday night. He's your local high school football coach, and I would guess he has more passion for what he's doing than just about anyone else around. Certainly his players see this intensity in the way he prepares them for a game and the importance he places on results. Even the parents and community can tell how much he cares. Besides watching him on Friday nights, they also witness a person who cares enough to support the booster club and to spearhead fundraising.Now, take a step back. Shouldn't we a...
Do you know this man? He's the person with intricate headphones pacing back and forth on the worn, dew-covered turf every Friday night. He's your local high school football coach, and I would guess he has more passion for what he's doing than just about anyone else around. Certainly his players see this intensity in the way he prepares them for a game and the importance he places on results. Even the parents and community can tell how much he cares. Besides watching him on Friday nights, they also witness a person who cares enough to support the booster club and to spearhead fundraising.Now, take a step back. Shouldn't we as youth ministers and catechists be even more passionate about our ministry and our message than a person only charged with coaching a game? Our calling is much deeper; our message is much more important. We are preaching and teaching the way to Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ! Let's not be outshone by the football coach in our passion, depth, and breadth!Teens today have even bigger issues on the table than high school football. You are aware of the many ways teenagers are hurting. This webinar presents a step-by-step guide to set teens, and you who minister to them, on fire for Jesus Christ and lead them on the way to Heaven.
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With One Accord: Pentecost, Promises, and the People of God

Marcia Lane-McGee
Get Marcia's Book Today!
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The Witness Webinar: Learning to Tell the Stories of Grace that Illumine Our Lives

Leonard J. DeLorenzo
Recent research shows that the single greatest difference between those who identify as Catholic and those as former-Catholics is "the belief that God is a personal being involved in the lives of people today." If we are to shape our whole lives as a Christian story, we must first learn how to recognize, craft, and share stories of grace about particular life experiences. We will focus on seven principles for crafting stories of grace for teens, young adults, and even not-so-young-anymore adults that allow us to speak of God's action in our lives persuasively and in real terms.
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Women's Ministry: Small Groups and Faith-Filled Friendships

Many women have expressed the heartfelt need to find friends that they are able to share their faith with. Help engage your parishioners in women's ministry and small faith-sharing groups that will build faith-filled friendships to help them along their journeys to heaven.Michele Faehnle and Emily Jaminet are the authors of two books designed for small groups and directors of the Columbus Catholic Women's Conference, the largest Catholic Women's Conference in the United States, which draws more than 4,000 women annually each year.
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Words Matter: Reading and Teaching Scripture

Mark Hart, chief innovation officer at Life Teen International Watch Now

Creative Answers and Specific Approaches to Young Adult Faith Formation

Young adult faith formation is diverse, just as the Millennial Generation (born between 1982 and 2000) is diverse. Faith formation leaders know how to nurture the faith of children, parents, empty nesters, and elders. Young adults who are more spiritual seekers than mass goers challenge faith formation business as usual.This webinar features panelists with a variety of young adult faith formation ministry experiences. These young adult ministers will offer creative and practical ways to help Millennials grow in authentic faith and in Christian community.Panelists include Robert Feduccia, Amy McEntee, Gabriela Karaszewski, and Nicky Uerling...
Young adult faith formation is diverse, just as the Millennial Generation (born between 1982 and 2000) is diverse. Faith formation leaders know how to nurture the faith of children, parents, empty nesters, and elders. Young adults who are more spiritual seekers than mass goers challenge faith formation business as usual.This webinar features panelists with a variety of young adult faith formation ministry experiences. These young adult ministers will offer creative and practical ways to help Millennials grow in authentic faith and in Christian community.Panelists include Robert Feduccia, Amy McEntee, Gabriela Karaszewski, and Nicky Uerling.Suggested reading before the webinar: "Faith Formation with Young Adults" in the April 2017 edition of the CL Magazine. NCCL Members will be prompted to log-in to view the article. Those new to NCCL can access the article for free with Promo Code “AFF” through October 1, 2017.
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