Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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Common Concerns for Catholics About Palliative Care and Hospice

Dr. Natalie King
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Communion with the Sacred Heart of Jesus: A Pathway to Deeper Devotion to the Eucharist

Fr. Joe Laramie
15% OFF Your Order of Books by Fr. Joe Laramie!Use promo code WEBINAR1029 when ordering at GET A DISCOUNT ON YOUR ORDER OF BOOKS BY FR. JOE LARAMIE! *Use promo code WEBINAR1029 to receive 15% OFF Love Him Evermore and Abide in the Heart of Christ. Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers, including any other promo code. Not valid for the purchase of textbooks, Together for Life, Adore, Restore, Return, Behold, Prepare Your Heart, Prepara tu corazón, Made for Heaven, Creados para el Cielo, Encountering Emmanuel, Wilderness Within, bulk-rate books, kits, or boxes. Offer not available for wholesale purchases. Previo...
15% OFF Your Order of Books by Fr. Joe Laramie!Use promo code WEBINAR1029 when ordering at GET A DISCOUNT ON YOUR ORDER OF BOOKS BY FR. JOE LARAMIE! *Use promo code WEBINAR1029 to receive 15% OFF Love Him Evermore and Abide in the Heart of Christ. Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers, including any other promo code. Not valid for the purchase of textbooks, Together for Life, Adore, Restore, Return, Behold, Prepare Your Heart, Prepara tu corazón, Made for Heaven, Creados para el Cielo, Encountering Emmanuel, Wilderness Within, bulk-rate books, kits, or boxes. Offer not available for wholesale purchases. Previous purchases and the purchase of gift cards are excluded. Shipping to the contiguous US only. Offer expires at 11:59 p.m. EST on 11.8.24
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Cómo reflejar a Jesús a medida que crecemos en nuestra relación personal con Dios

Andres Arango
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Companions in Conflict

Ann M. Garrido
When we are in times of tension with families, friends, and fellow church members, we can end up feeling isolated and alone. We feel as if we must be doing something wrong. No one else has these problems, do they? But a look at our Church’s history reveals that conflict is a part of every Christian’s life. We are not alone. We have companions on the journey and models of handling tension well. Come along with Ann Garrido to discover five saints who were no strangers to conflict and who may have clues to help us unknot our own tough relationships.
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Confirmation: More Than Another Graduation

Christopher Wesley
Many young people and their parents, unfortunately, treat Confirmation as a graduation. Somewhere and somehow this beautiful sacrament became another item on the Catholic family’s checklist.Join Christopher Wesley, author of the new book, Rebuilding Confirmation, as he shares how we can take back the sacrament and build a program that helps teenagers go deeper and wider in their faith.
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Creating a Sustainable Youth Ministry

Katie Gray, director of Parish Outreach for Life Teen
15% OFF Your Entire Order!Use promo code WEBINAR1210 when ordering at GET A DISCOUNT ON YOUR ORDER! *Use promo code WEBINAR1210 to receive 15% OFF your entire order. Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers, including any other promo code. Not valid for the purchase of textbooks, Together for Life, Adore, Restore, Return, Behold, Prepare Your Heart, Prepara tu corazón, Made for Heaven, Creados para el Cielo, Encountering Emmanuel, Wilderness Within, bulk-rate books, kits, or boxes. Offer not available for wholesale purchases. Previous purchases and the purchase of gift cards are excluded. Shipping to the contiguo...
15% OFF Your Entire Order!Use promo code WEBINAR1210 when ordering at GET A DISCOUNT ON YOUR ORDER! *Use promo code WEBINAR1210 to receive 15% OFF your entire order. Cannot be combined with other coupons or offers, including any other promo code. Not valid for the purchase of textbooks, Together for Life, Adore, Restore, Return, Behold, Prepare Your Heart, Prepara tu corazón, Made for Heaven, Creados para el Cielo, Encountering Emmanuel, Wilderness Within, bulk-rate books, kits, or boxes. Offer not available for wholesale purchases. Previous purchases and the purchase of gift cards are excluded. Shipping to the contiguous US only. Offer expires at 11:59 p.m. EST on 12.20.24
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Credibility in Crisis: How to Leverage Pivotal Life Moments in Youth Ministry

Daniel Miller|Allie Parshley
Teens are watching, listening, and judging the way you respond to crisis, whether it's quarantine during Coronavirus, death, an error in judgment, or any time that life seems to stop. Our decisions at these moments can either build their trust in Christ and the Church or break it down. Join the student ministers from Church of the Nativity in Timonium, Maryland, in exploring how they're learning to leverage pivotal life moments. God is still good even when life isn't.
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Cultivating Contemplation in Your Parish through Photography

Christine Valters Paintner
Join Christine Valters Paintner, PhD, the online Abbess of, as we explore the gifts and possibilities photography can offer parish communities. The lens of the camera will be our guide in learning how to engage folks in contemplative practices of prayer and new ways of seeing the world around them. Christine's special love is bringing together the gifts of monastic tradition with the power of the expressive arts, and offering tools and practices to cultivate one's inner monk and artist.
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