Honoring Mary in the Month of May

Your students likely know that May is the month of Mary.

Do they also know that Mary also has her own day dedicated to her in each and every week throughout the year? The tradition of honoring Mary on Saturdays goes back to the very first Holy Saturday, the day that Jesus lay in the tomb. It was Mary who waited anxiously but faithfully on that day in anticipation of the Resurrection.

At the Council of Trent in the sixteenth century, the practice of offering a special votive Mass to Mary on Saturdays was included in the Roman Missal. The Second Vatican Council also supported this tradition.

Catholics are called to do something special to honor Mary on Saturdays, especially during the Saturdays during May. This may include attending a Saturday morning Mass, doing a special work of charity, or praying the Rosary.

Also, it is more than fitting that May, Mary's month, is also a time for the celebration of Mother's Day on the second Sunday of the month. Remind your students that just as they are called to honor their earthly mothers for life, nurture, and the love they have provided, so too they are to honor their heavenly Mother, Mary.

Enrichment The Feast of the Visitation is celebrated on May 31. Have the students write a personal reflection of Mary's visit to Elizabeth as if they were present. Or, have them write a prayerful response to the Memorare from Luke 1:39-56.

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