Just in time for the start of school, Christ in the Classroom: Lesson Planning for Heart and Mind is now available!
This book by Jared Dees, creator of The Religion Teacher website, applies the four steps of lectio divina—reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation—to the ministry of catechesis. He offers a practical framework for preparing lessons that shift the primary focus of teaching from intellectual learning to encountering Christ in prayer and action. Using this method, both you and your students together come to know intimately the person of Christ at the same time that they are learning the tenets and traditions of the Church.
Stories of success and failure from the author’s own teaching experience ground the practical wisdom of this book. Dees offers dozens of field-tested strategies, tactics, and teaching methods to effectively integrate the four steps of lectio divina into the classroom or other catechetical setting. Outfitted with these tools, both experienced and brand new religious educators will feel confident in their ability to teach effectively and also lead their students to life-changing encounters with Christ Jesus.