Jesus’ healing of the blind man (Jn 9:1–41), the Gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent, reminds us that Jesus brings light to our world. This Lights of Life: Torn Tissue Art Banner (originally published in Time Out by Sr. Kieran Sawyer, SSND) can support this message and serve as the backdrop for a prayer reflection that might culminate in the celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Here’s what you need:
- A piece of heavy white banner paper, large enough for 6 or 8 students to work on at a time
- Thin black markers
- A large supply of tissue paper of many bright colors
- A solution of white liquid glue diluted with water
- Small paint brushes
- Bibles
- Light and Darkness Scripture references (see below)
- Heavy books to serve as weights for the completed banner
- Share the following Scripture passages with the students. Tell them to read through a few of the passages and choose a favorite.
- In small groups, have the students print the passage (or part of the passage) in bold black letters on the banner paper.
- Have them tear pieces of brightly colored tissue paper large enough to cover any of the words or phrases in the passage that you want to highlight.
- Place the tissue on the word or phrase and brush over it with water-glue solution. The tissue will adhere to the paper.
- After all the groups have finished, have several students return and add other pieces of tissue paper in other areas of the banner to complete the colorful montage.
- Place heavy books on top of the banner as weights to help it dry.
Lights of Life Scripture Passages Gn 1:15 Is 60:19 Acts 13:47 2 Sm 22:29 Dn 2:21-22 Acts 26:17-18 Jb 29:2-3 Mi 7:8 Rm 13:12-14 Ps 18:29 Mt 4:16 2 Cor 4:6 Ps 27:1 Mt 5:14-16 2 Cor 4:6 Ps 27:1 Mt 5:14-16 Eph 5:8-9 Ps 36:10 Mt 6:21-23 Eph 5:14 Ps 97:11-12 Lk 2:30-32 Col 1:11-13 Ps 107:10-11 Lk 8:16 1 Thes 5:4-5 Ps 112:4 Jn 1:3-5 1 Pt 2:9-10 Ps 119:105 Jn 1:9-10 2 Pt 1:19 Prv 4:18-19 Jn 3:19 1 Jn 1:5 Is 5:20 Jn 8:12 1 Jn 1:6-7 Is 9:1 Jn 9:5 1 Jn 2:8 Is 42:16 Jn 12:35 1 Jn 2:9 Is 49:6 Jn 12:36 1 Jn 2:10-11 Is 60:1-3 Jn 12:46 Rev 22:4-5
The Scripture passages are excellent as a source for an examination of conscience prior to reception of the Sacrament of Reconciliation.