Hi! I'm a Catholic School teacher at Villa Joseph Marie High School in Holland, Pennsylvania. I've been teaching since 1975 (though not continuosly) and I like to think that Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith are at the center of my life.
I've designed a theology site called Nicenet.org (independent of Ave Maria Press) that I'd like to make available to anyone who teaches the faith and visits the Ave Maria Press web site. There are many articles and links at the site, a good deal of which are in the area of Scripture. Many of these provide hands on lesson plans and activities to enhance the courses you are teaching in Catholic high schools.
To enter the site:
Go to Nicenet.org. Enter the words ave maria press (with spaces) in the username section and then under the password section enter avemariapress (no spaces). This will enable you to use the web site. I hope you wil find the web site useful. I will be expanding the link section and the document section to include resources for all levels of high school theology as the year progresses.
In Jesus,
Mike Bolognese, Freshmen Theology Villa Joseph Marie High School Holland, PA