As part of a unit or lesson on the Sacrament of Matrimony, invite two or three married couples of various years of marriage to form a panel and speak with your class of their experiences, history of their marriages, and relationships with their spouses. Have the students prepare questions to ask the couples. Collect and preview the questions prior to the presentation. Choose questions you can present. Also allow time for additional questions. Instruct each couple using the following format:
Introduction (5 or 6 minutes per couple)
- Briefly introduce yourselves.
- Tell how you met.
- Tell something about your courtship.
- Tell how you became engaged.
- Tell something about your marriage preparation.
- Share one memorable part of your wedding day.
- How does God play a part in your relationship?
- What is the most difficult part of marriage?
- What is the most joyful part of marriage?
Sample Questions (the remainder of the session)
- How did you know you had met the "right" person?
- How was the subject of marriage first brought up between the two of you?
- How do you handle serious arguments?
- Do you think there is an ideal age for two people to be married?
- Why is it important for you to get along with in-laws?
- Do you think your marriage reflects your family upbringing? How or how not?