These saints have feast days in early December. You may want to give this matching assignment to individual students or to groups of four so students can pool their common knowledge. Complete the matching by working on any empty spots with the whole class or ask students to research the answers on their own. Students could also look into each of the saints, learn more about them and share their findings with their classmates.
Column 1
An appearance of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Mexico to St. Juan Diego
One of the first Jesuits who preached the Gospel to India, Ceylon, Malacca, and Japan in the sixteenth century
Born into poverty in sixteenth century Spain, this Carmelite monk was a reformer with St. Teresa of Avila. While imprisoned by his own order, he wrote beautiful mystical poetry
A fourth century pope who commissioned St. Jerome to translate the Bible into Latin
The son of wealthy Christian parents in fourth century Asia Minor. He was famous for his generosity, became a bishop and fought against Arianism
A priest who lived in the seventh and eighth centuries AD who wrote religious poetry and defended Christianity against heresies
A fourth century governor of Milan, who was popularly appointed bishop because he encouraged Christians and Arians to work together peacefully
A martyr of the third and fourth century, killed because she rejected a man who then accused her of being a Christian
Column 2
a. St. Francis Xavier (3)
b. St. John Damascene (4)
c. St. Nicholas (6)
d. St. Ambrose (7)
e. St. Damasus I (11)
f. Our Lady of Guadalupe (12)
g. St. Lucy (13)
h. St. John of the Cross (14)