Adoption: A Choice worth Making is a five-day mini-unit to support any course in a Catholic high school theology curriculum. It is also appropriate for parish youth ministry. The purpose of the mini-course is to acknowledge the value of human life and provide teenagers information on a much underreported option for single women who are pregnant: adoption.
This mini-unit provides a synopsis of the adoption process as well as various perspectives from actual birth mothers, adoptive parents, and from teens who were adopted as infants. Written in conjunction with the Holy Family Adoption Agency, an agency dedicated to placing children with Catholic adoptive parents, teenagers will learn about a very positive effort taking place in the United States and in the Church to place children with adoptive parents.
Adoption: A Choice worth Making provides complete lesson outlines, including video links and student handouts. The lessons are designed for five consecutive 50 minute periods or over the course of one day for five consecutive weeks.
To view Adoption: A Choice worth Making click here.