One-Line Prayers
No one ever said prayers have to be long. Prayers can be as short as one brief sentence. One-line prayers often say what a person is thinking better than a host of words or hours of meditation. One liners, sometimes called ejaculations or aspirations, can be used on many occasion. For example, when they are offered before a task, that task can itself become a prayer. If you say, "Lord, I offer you the work I am about to do writing this term paper," the writing session becomes a prayer. Here are some other samples of one liners: Jesus, have mercy on me. Jesus, my Friend and Savior, I love you. Help me Lord Jesus. Praise God! Mary, Mother of God, pray for me. Come, Holy Spirit. Thank you Father for creating this day. Activity Have the students compose five one line prayers. You may wish to suggest experiences on which the one-liners can be based, for example: 1) before a game or performance; 2) after an argument; 3) while enjoying nature; 4) in sorrow for committing a wrong; 5) in appreciation for a friend. When they have fhinished,go around the room and allow the students to pray aloud one of the one line prayers. You may wish to accompany this part of the session with soft, instrumental background music.