
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - August 2020

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Fatima, a 110-minute full feature movie on the apparaitions of the Mary to three children near Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, is available for viewing through several on demand platforms (as well as in theatres). It is rated PG-13 and is appropriate for viewing by high-school students. Typically the on demand platforms charge $19.99 to rent the movie for use over two-days. For activities connected with Our Lady of Fatima, please see other postings on the Engaging Faith blog.

Frequently Asked Questions about Vatican II

Word on Fire has prepared a list of twelve FAQs on the Second Vatican Council along with several helpful resource links.

Mass Dispensations and Other Mass Related Issues!

Many Catholics have been "dispensed" from the Sunday Mass obligation during the time of the Covid pandemic. What does canon law teach about such dispensations? Share church teaching on the subject with your students. Also, ask: What did you miss about attending Sunday Mass? What are your diocesan regulations about Mass attendance during pandemic? How safe do you feel returning to Mass? What are other times  in history Catholics have been dispensed from Sunday Mass? What do you think about the girl's attitude toward Mass in the video "One Minute in a Catholic's Head"? How can you avoid distractions while attending Mass?