
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - December 2021

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First Day Discussion Starter

Here’s a short class opener that might be appropriate for the first day of a new semester. Secure playing cards ace (one) through eight. Print and number the following sentences on the board: I want my friends to see me as a person who . . . Academically, this semester I hope to . . . This semester I hope to know God better by . . . This semester I am looking forward to . . . A person I would like to get to know better this semester is . . . Athletically this semester I hope to . . . Ten years from now I hope to . . . After I die, I hope I will be remembered for . . . Say: Spend a few minutes deciding what you might say if you were called on to finish each of the sentences on the board. Think of endings that tell us something important about you and your values. You can work together with a partner to think up your answers. When most are ready say: I have in my hand playing cards valued from one (ace) to eight. When it is almost your turn, I will pull a number to tell you which sentence you are going to finish for us. You will be told your number one turn ahead so you have a minute to get your thoughts together. Pick the numbers of the first two people. Call on a talkative person to give his or her first answer. After the person talks, allow the rest of the class to ask one or two follow up questions. Then pick a number for a third person as the second person answers his or her question. Continue on for as long as you have time. When you play the game again, begin with students who didn’t get a chance to talk the first time.

Litany of Light and Darkness

This litany--appropriate for Advent--revolves around the theme of light and darkness. Preparation Assign students to search for Scripture passages around the theme of light and darkness. Duplicate pages of a Bible concordance that use the words light and darkness and give them to each student. Vary the pages of the concordance to include examples of light and darkness from several different books of the Bible. Say something like: Look for passages where light and darkness are used as symbols for good and evil. Skim down the concordance pages until you find a passage that seems to have symbolic meaning. Then look up the passage in the Bible to verify your guess. If you find that it is a meaningful passage for our light-darkness theme, copy it on a 3x5 card. Write down the Scripture reference and the parts of the passage that fit the theme.   Litany Give everyone a taper. Dim the lights or darken the room completely. Light a larger candle and read Genesis 1:1-5. As each person reads his or her chosen candle, their taper is lit. Go around the room until everyone has read their passage. Conclude with the following prayer: The light of Christ has been entrusted to us to keep burning brightly. May we always walk as children of the light. May we keep the flame of faith alive in our hearts. We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ who is the light of the world. Amen. Play a reflective song with lyrics that highlight the theme of Jesus as the light of the world.