Working on Virtuous Living
Virtues are God-given powers, abilities to do moral good. They are good habits that enable us to preserver in doing the right thing joyfully. Virtues are skills in Christian living that enable us to face both internal and external obstacles as we continue our life journeys. Lent is a time to work on virtuous living Print or project a list of virtues and then have your students do one of the assignments listed below to help them to learn and practice the virtues. Faithful Hopeful Loving Prudent Just Courageous Temperate Joyful Peaceful Patient Trusting Gentle Kind Chaste Humble Grateful Assignments Write a definition of each virtue. Put a plus by each virtue that you incorporate well into your life. Put a minus by each virtue you need to improve on. Write a sentence that begins with “I am…” for each virtue. For example, I am patient when I help my younger brother with his homework.” Select one virtue you would like to work on. Outline five concrete steps you can take to develop this virtue.