
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - January 2024

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Catholic Schools Week 2024 Caption Contest!

In honor of Catholic Schools Week 2024 share these photos with your students and have them finish the captions!   My name is Billy. I am sitting in the middle of the photo. Let me tell you why I don’t have my school uniform on today.   Of all the kids in our class, can you believe ________ has turned out to be the most successful? ________ is pictured  ____ from the left in the ______row from the top. _________ is known today for ______________. They talk about class size today? Can you believe we had ____ students in our fourth grade class? “Rhonda was pretty smart. But sometimes she just _______.”     Photo Credit: St. Paul Catholic School

What Is Marriage?

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offer an abridged article on marriage entitled Marriage: Love and Life in the Divine Plan. Make copies of the article for each student. Ask them to read through the article and then go back a second time and underline the six sentences that begin with “Marriage is . . . “. These are the sentences from the USCCB article: Marriage is a natural institution established by God the Creator. Marriage is not merely a private institution. Marriage is important for the upbringing of the next generation, and therefore it is important for society. Marriage is meant to be a lifelong covenantal union, which divorce claims to break. Marriage is a vocation, or divine call, as necessary and valuable to the Church as other vocations. Marriage is a school of gratitude, in which husband and wife are thankful for the gift of each other. Clarify each of these statements in a class discussion. Call on students to share their own ideas on what each statement means and examples of how they have witnessed these statements being lived out in marriages they are familiar with (e.g., parents, grandparents, neighbors). Next, on the back of the handout, ask students to write three of their own statements beginning with “Marriage is . . . “ When complete, continue with the discussion based on some of the examples the students came up with.