Ave Maria Press is reintroducing its Engaging Faith Blog with a new design to accompany our updated website. Please take a look at over 700 entries with lesson, icebreaker, video, and prayer suggestions for many different areas of Catholic religious education with teenagers.
Ave Maria Press is reintroducing its Engaging Faith Blog with a new design to accompany our updated website. Please take a look at over 700 entries with lesson, icebreaker, video, and prayer suggestions for many different areas of Catholic religious education with teenagers.
Hello Teachers! Happy July! Ave Maria Press is always looking for ways to offer helpful teaching approaches delivered in an easy-to-use manner. In that spirit, would you mind answering the following questions:
How do you plan weekly and daily lessons? (For the sake of normalcy, let's imagine lessons will be shared in person with students in a classroom.)
What does your semester plan look like? How do you chart main topics, curriculum points, and book chapters over a semester?
What does your daily lesson plan look like? Do you write out student objectives and share them with your students so they are aware of what both you and they are responsible in the class?
How do you vary teaching approaches? Do you consciously make the choice to vary lessons, videos, discussions, presentation, writing, quizzes, and more over a variety of days? How do you vary approaches through a 50 to 90 minute class period?
How do you assess your students on a daily basis to see if they met the day's objectives?
Did you ever use a lesson planner like the one in the photo? Do you now? What else do you use to record your lesson plans?
Answer in the comment space below or own our Ave Maria Press HS Theology Teachers Facebook page. Thank you in advance!
Ave Maria Press offers a five-day, free mini-unit called Religious Liberty and Catholicism in the United States. Developed in 2012, it is timeless topics that fit over a five-day period. Through the sharing of materials digitally, the course can also be used for students and teachers who are at home. It would make a perfect remedial or enrichment course for summertime use. The topics are:
Day 1: Religious Liberty and Catholicism in the United States
Day 2: Catholics and the Formation of a Nation
Day 3: The Wave of Catholic Immigration
Day 4: Current Threats to Religious Liberty
Day 5: Religious Liberty and Catholicism in the United States
The mini-unit includes lesson plans, video links, and student handouts.