
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - June 2017

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Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati: Growing in Holiness

Named “the man of the eight Beatitudes” by Pope John Paul II at his beatification ceremony in Rome in 1990, Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati was a joy-filled man who lived only to age twenty-four, but who remains a model for bountiful love and service today. Bl. Pier Giorgio’s feast day is on July 4. St. John Paul II noted that Bl. Pier Giorgio “bears in himself the grace of the Gospel, the Good News, the joy of Salvation offered to us Christians.” His sister said of him: “He represented the finest in Christian youth: pure, happy, enthusiastic about everything that is good and beautiful.” Pier Giorgio was born on April 6, 1901, to a wealthy and politically connected family in Turin, Italy. He was an average student but a great athlete and mountain climber. His peers adored him and called him “Terror” because of the practical jokes he played. After high school, he studied mineralogy in an engineering program. He participated in Catholic groups like the Apostleship of Prayer and the Company of the Most Blessed Sacrament. Both of these groups were known for helping poor people and for promoting Eucharistic adoration, Marian devotion, and personal chastity. Pier Giorgio also became active in political groups—like the Young Catholic Workers, Catholic Action, and Milites Mariae—that ministered to poor people, fought fascism, and put into practice the Church’s social teachings. He gave his money to needy people and visited the sick. It was while ministering to the sick that he contracted an acute case of polio that took his life. He died at age twenty-four on July 4, 1925. Bl. Pier Giorgio offers these words of advice on how to grow in holiness: With all the strength of my soul I urge you young people to approach the Communion table as often as you can. Feed on this bread of angels whence you will draw all the energy you need to fight inner battles. Because true happiness, dear friends, does not consist in the pleasures of the world or in earthly things, but in peace of conscience, which you have only if you are pure in heart and mind.   Assignment: Summarize Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati’s advice for how to grow in holiness. Conclude with a sentence that begins, “My personal plan for growing in holiness involves . . .” Read “10 Reasons to Love Bl. Pier Giorgio Frassati.” Choose five of the reasons listed and tell how you model them in your own life.

Summer Activity: Dinner on Wheels

This is an activity that is appropriate for a group of teenagers originating at a parish in a youth ministry setting. Description This is a progressive meal in which the teens travel by bikes (or in-line skates) to several different restaurants in your area. Divide the meal into at least four courses. Start out with something healthy like a green salad or fruit salad at a health store or coffee shop. Next, move to bakery for a slice of fresh bread. (Send one person into the bakery to buy the bread and bring it outside. Have the group sit on a curb or nearby bench to eat the bread.) Then, move to a popular pizza place for the main course: pizza! Finally, have dessert at a local frozen yogurt or ice cream shop. Prayer Begin each part of the meal with a blessing over the food. Choose different teens to lead the blessing at each stop.   Grace Before Meals Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty, through Christ our Lord. Amen.   Grace After Meals We give you thanks, Almighty God, for these and all your blessings; you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

Ave Maria Press Catholic High School Textbooks: Our Mission to Divine Pedagogy

Ave Maria Press is a ministry of the United States Province of Holy Cross and carries on the tradition of the order’s founder, Bl. Basil Moreau, as “educators in the faith.” Our textbooks seek to form the “heart, minds, and hands” of students to know, love, and serve Christ in his Church.       Inspired by the National Directory for Catechesis, Ave Maria Press uses “God’s own methodology as the paradigm, and with that divine pedagogy as the reference point, chooses diverse methods that are in accord with the Gospel” (NDC 29). Following the pattern of Divine Revelation, our textbooks seek to communicate the Word of God and the beliefs of the Church, leading students “on the journey toward the Father in the footsteps of Christ under the guidance of the Holy Spirit” (NDC 28).  As they progress through their high school years, we seek to both evangelize and catechize them, to strengthen their faith and encourage an ongoing change of heart to follow Christ more closely. This process of formation involves four key dimensions: knowledge of their Faith, participation in the Church community, especially through her liturgy and the sacraments; the Christian moral life of service to others and the promotion of justice; and growth in prayer and reflection (NDC 28).       Our textbooks employ two complementary methods: the experiential or inductive method and the kerygmatic or deductive method. Because “human experience is a constitutive element in catechesis” (NDC 28), our method regularly asks students to consider concrete personal experiences: their own and those of people they know, people of faith, saints, and other heroes. Our texts build on this foundation by helping students understand how the principles and truths of the faith give meaning and purpose to their lives. Through the study of Scripture, the Creed, the Church, the liturgy, the sacraments, and Christian morality, they are led progressively to a deeper understanding and practice of their faith.       Our goal is not only to prepare students for further study of theology in college, should that opportunity be possible for them, but more importantly to form them in the faith that will guide and strengthen them in the next stage of their lives, whatever that may be.   For more information on Ave Maria Press Catholic High School Textbooks visit: