
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - June 2019

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Religious Liberty in America and around the World

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops offer several articles, videos, alerts and other resources on the topic of religious liberty. Also, Ave Maria Press offers a free digital five-day mini unit, "Religious Liberty and Catholicism in the United States," that is suitable for both Catholic high school religion courses and very adaptable to parish youth ministry programs as well.

Fielding Questions about Why I Am Catholic

Brandon Vogt’s bestselling and aware winning Why I Am Catholic (And You Should Be Too) is a remarkable and persuasive argument for truth and beauty in the Catholic Church and for reasons why young people should throw off the common urge to leave the Church for the more radical decision to “join the rebellion” and go against the tide and remain or become Catholic. Coming soon are teacher resources (lesson plans, assignments, quizzes, and more) to support this 180 pages engaging and clear read. There is also a companion study guide already available for the trade edition. Brandon Vogt is an award-winning author, blogger, and speaker who serves as content director for Bishop Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic website. In this recent podcast, Non –Catholic Q&A w/Bishop Barron (June 2019), Brandon and Bishop Barron field questions on the faith from non-Catholic listeners, including atheists and agnostics.  

New Edition of Your Life in Christ: Foundations in Catholic Morality!

Have you received a review copy of the third edition of the all-time best-selling Your Life in Christ: Foundations in Catholic Morality? If you are a high school theology teacher connect with Bob Wieneke to have a complimentary copy sent to your high school.