Prayer Experience: The Eucharist in Scripture
Print the following Scripture passages on 1.5 x 11 strips of paper (one passage per strip): John 2:1-12 Matthew 15:32-39; 16:5-11 John 6:1-14 John 6:22-71 John 15:1-11 Give each students a Bible and a set of all five strips. Tell them that in each passage, Jesus offers some explanation for the Eucharist, which he will reveal, finally at the Last Supper. Ask the students to go to a place where they can be by themselves and reach each passage. On the back of each strip, have them write one sentence that expresses an insight they have about the Eucharist based on the particular passage. Play some instrumental background music. Allow at least twenty minutes for the students to read, reflect, and write. When the time is complete, gather the class together, preferably in a large circle. Go around and ask each student to share one or two insights on the Eucharist. Conclude with a dramatic reading of the Emmaus story (Luke 24:13-35) or the meal with fish (John 21:1-14).