
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - May 2016

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How Do Your Students Learn?

This interesting cartoon provides some food-for-thought on assessing the way students learn. You might ask yourself: What is your first reaction on viewing this cartoon? In what ways do you regularly encounter students who learn in different ways? How can you more fairly assess students based on their different learning styles? What type of resources (e.g., different styles of tests, assignment rubrics, etc.) do you need to more fairly address this issue? You may also wish to share this cartoon with your colleagues and students themselves in order to gain their insights.   Multiple Intelligences Additionally, you may wish to review the classical multiple intelligences that describe the ways that people learn. Developed by Howard Gardner, a professor at the Harvard School of Education, the multiple intelligences explain eight particular ways that students learn. Though people learn using all different styles, each person usually has preferred ways of acquiring and processing information. The best learning takes places when teaching methods offer processes, assignments, and projects for all eight intelligences. This provides opportunities for students to access their preferred intelligence and to proceed from their chosen strengths. What follows is a brief description of Gardner’s eight multiple intelligences and information about which methods students prefer. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence Bodily/Kinesthetic intelligence involves the capacity to use one’s whole body to express ideas and feelings. It specifically involves using one’s hands to create things or to skillfully manipulate objects. A concrete way to think of people learning in this style is that they are active and engaged in a “learning-by-doing” assignment or project. Methods include: developing and performing role plays participating in a theater arts performance creating and/or demonstrating the use of a relevant tool, instrument, or utensil exercising or competing in athletics Interpersonal/Relational Intelligence       This intelligence requires the ability to perceive and appreciate the feelings, moods, intentions, and motivations of other people. Those who prefer this type of learning flourish working in groups, teams, or with a partner. Learning methods include: brainstorming ideas playing cooperative games dialoguing with others working on a group project Intrapersonal/Introspective Intelligence       The Intrapersonal/Introspective intelligence requires the ability to base one’s actions on self-understanding. Being in touch with one’s dreams, feelings, moods, intentions, motivations, and spirituality is a key aspect of this intelligence. People who learn best in this style usually prefer to work alone on self-directed assignments. Examples of the intrapersonal/introspective intelligence are: writing reports or research papers keeping a journal explaining the personal connection of some given information identifying with characters in a story Logical/Mathematical Intelligence The Logical/Mathematical intelligence requires the skill to work well with numbers and to use reason to solve problems. Persons who learn well in this style are adept, for example, at categorizing and exploring relationships within a set of data. They tend to find it difficult to function in an environment that is chaotic or one in which the goals are not clearly defined. Methods that complement this intelligence are: categorizing names, places, and events outlining bodies of material exploring patterns and relationships problem solving Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence Distinguishing rhythm, pitch, and melody is a characteristic of this intelligence. People who prefer to learn in this style often express themselves in musical forms. They enjoy being surrounded by sound and rhythm and understand these as learning tools. Some methods that are successful for this style are: making and playing instruments setting stories to music creating or performing in a musical writing new lyrics for familiar tunes Naturalist Intelligence A person who prefers a Naturalist intelligence is at home in the natural environment. He or she appreciates the joys of nature and is comfortable raising and caring for plants and animals. This person also often enjoys camping, hiking, and many other outdoor activities. Methods that are consistent with the Naturalist Intelligence intelligence are: experimenting in a lab setting classifying elements in the natural world "digging” or any simulation of an archaeological experience demonstrating proper procedure and care for gardens or animals Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence The Verbal/Linguistic intelligence involves use of the spoken and written word. A person who learns best with this intelligence appreciates being able to see things in print, hear spoken words, and say things aloud. Memorization is also a key learning method. Other methods consistent with this intelligence are: debating reading and summarizing the material memorizing and repeating multiple facts writing essays Visual/Spatial Intelligence       This intelligence appeals to people who like to learn by visualizing and dreaming about concepts and ideas. Learners in this style incorporate both sight and mental images. Whereas the written word may frustrate these learners, visuals in the form of charts, pictures, graphs, and maps help them to grasp a topic. Other methods that fit into this intelligence include: drawing, painting, and sculpting creating collages, posters, and murals designing maps and graphs producing videos

Kentucky Derby Winner Featured in Ave Maria Press Textbook

It’s not often that a Kentucky Derby champion trainer and his wife make it into an Ave Maria Press high school theology textbook. But that’s the case with Doug O’Neill, trainer of 2016 champion Nyquist (and 2012 Kentucky Derby winner, I’ll Have Another) and his wife Linette Galvan O’Neill. Doug and Linette both are graduates of St. Monica Catholic High School in Santa Monica, California. Due to a special friendship with their former teacher and coach who is also the author of Marriage and Holy Orders: Your Call to Love and Serve, the interesting story of Doug’s marriage proposal to Linette made it into a chapter on the Sacrament of Matrimony.     More backstory: Shanda Farmer, the daughter of Chicago White Sox announcer Ed Farmer, who communicated Doug’s proposal, was also a friend and classmate of Linette at St. Monica’s. Doug and Linette have been married for over twenty years. They have two children, Daniel and Kaylin. Encourage your students to reach the top of their vocations and professions and to strive for a successful family life like Doug and Linette. And root Doug and Nyquist on in this Saturday’s Preakness Stakes!

Helping Seniors Say Good-bye to their High School Experience

Does your school have any rituals or practices that help seniors make their first major transition in life? There are always those students who cannot wait to leave high school, but for many seniors, they are about to leave a place they feel like is a home with peers and adult faculty, staff, and coaches who have become familiar and dear to them. This may be just their first separation, though, as some will leave their families for schools or the military and go far away. There seems to be more literature about how teachers and parents can say good-bye and let go with their graduating seniors than guidance for helping teens themselves leave their friends and families. Teens can use some help with transitioning too. Suggest some of the following opportunities: Invite students see that their lives will no longer be the same although that does not mean that their lives will change for the worse! Give students time for reflection, whether that be through meditation, journaling, or taking walks. Reflection can help students identify areas of challenge and worry. Class discussion then can help seniors surface these concerns in a safe place. Suggest that students take one day at a time rather than taking on the totality of the change in front of them and try to live in the moments in a mindful way. Recommend that seniors find adult mentors with whom they can process the upcoming changes, that is, with people who have “been there.” If you feel comfortable, offer your own time for this kind of conversation. Encourage students to think optimistically about the future. Remind them of the Christian faith in the Resurrection: that life comes out of deaths like leaving one community for a new one. Hope is the appropriate Christian response to the unknown future. Also, you may want to remind the students about Jesus’ first disciples. They had spent several years with Jesus and had given up their previous lives to follow him. All of a sudden, without much warning, Jesus died at the hand of the state. Their presence in the “upper room” reflects the type of paralysis and anxiety they felt even after encountering the Risen Jesus. They were in this interim state until they received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, at which point they were able to share the Good News and baptize just as Jesus had commissioned them to do. Like those first disciples, tends need time to transition from one way of being in the world to a new one. Seniors should not expect that they can just sail through graduation and on to their new lives without some processing and “in between” time. They should be patient with themselves and expect the help of the Holy Spirit as they move on to the next stages of their lives. Remind your students that God, who loves them beyond their understanding, wants them to succeed. They should count on his help. (Several of these suggestions are based on the short article, “Life Changes: 5 Tips for Getting through Any Period of Transition,” by Carolyn Gregoire, December 11, 2012, Huff Post Teen.)