Clues to Jesus' Personality
What was Jesus really like? Ask the students to look up clues into Jesus' personality. Have them search the Scripture references and write answers to the corresponding questions. Were some Apostles "closer" to Jesus than others? (see Mt 17:1-2) Did Jesus avoid associating with women? (see Lk 8:1-3) Did Jesus ever cause any trouble? (see Jn 2:13-17) Did Jesus ever have any fun? (see Jn 2:1-2) Was Jesus ever confused or depressed? (see Mk 14:32-35) Did Jesus ever get frustrated with his friends? (see Mk 10:13-14) Did Jesus ever disagree with his Mother? (see Jn 2:1-5) Did Jesus ever hang out with the "in" crowd? (see Mt 9:9-13) Did Jesus get along with everybody? (see Mt 22:15-22) Did Jesus ever feel overwhelmed and under stress? (see Mk 3:7-12) To conclude, have the students write or discuss ways that Jesus' personality is similar (and different) to their own.