Here is a meditation (8:30) from a letter by St. Mother Teresa of Calcutta in which she describes Jesus’ thirst for each us, his unconditional love for us, and how he wishes for us to thirst for him in all that we do. These words of Jesus—“I thirst”—spoken to Mary, the disciple John, and Mary Magdalene from the cross (see John 19:28) are the spiritual motto of the Missionaries of Charity and the answer to eleven years of spiritual darkness experienced by Mother Teresa. She experienced a great awakening when she understood that Jesus’ words from the cross were for her, a small share in the darkness he experienced, and a call to help him to quench his thirst by bringing his love to others.
Share the meditation with your students. Allow them to reflect and share their thoughts on Jesus’ words: “I thirst.”
Here are four activities for a lesson on addictions, with a particular focus on alcoholism.
1. Ten Steps to Help You and the Problem Drinker
Read and discuss this list with your students.
Express your genuine concern. Let the person know you are willing to help.
Talk to the person calmly when he or she has not been drinking.
Encourage the person to seek professional help.
Try to help the person see the benefits of stopping alcohol abuse.
Don’t preach to the problem drinker. Avoid the attitude that because you don’t have a drinking problem you are better than the person who does.
Don’t get into a shouting match with the person, especially if he or she is drunk.
Refuse to make excuses to cover for the person’s behavior.
Avoid feeling responsible for the person. You are not responsible.
Provide the person with information about groups that can help him or her.
Never ride with a person who has been drinking. Hide the person’s keys, if necessary, to keep him or her from driving after drinking.
2. Have your students read an article about The Catholic Nun Who Helped Found Alcoholic’s Anonymous.
3. Have your students research and write a report on the life of Venerable Matt Talbot, the patron saint of combatting alcoholism.
4. Pray together these words of Charles de Foucald for trusting God and doing his will.
I abandon myself into your hands; do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you: I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me, and in all your creatures—
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul; I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
Hands without reserve, and with boundless confidence for you are my Father.