
Engaging Faith

Practical Lesson Ideas and Activities for Catholic Educators
Archived - September 2023

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Two Assignments on Work

Due to our human dignity, all people have both the responsibility and right to work. However, work is not equated with the type of work we do or the product we make. Because work is an expression of human dignity, through our work we are able to join with God in shaping the world. 1. Hold a class debate. One side should take the stance of Genesis 2:15 on work; that is, work is part of our nature and our destiny. We participate in God’s work. The other side should take the stance of Genesis 3:17-19; that is, work is a curse for human sin. Have the students meet as a team and come up for reasons that support their position on work. Call on representatives from each team to share a reason. Allow the other team to respond to the point. Then switch the order. To conclude the debate,  have them students individually write short answers to the following questions: Why do you think both messages about work appear in Scripture? Why do you think the Church adopted the teaching of Genesis 2:15 rather than Genesis 3:17-19?   2. Have the students explore Jesus’ attitude toward work by reading the following passages and writing a short essay under the heading “What Jesus Believed about Work.” Tell them to reference at least three of the passages in their essay. Luke 4:14-22 Matthew 12:9-14 John 5:1-30 Mark 2:23-28 Luke 14:1-6 John 9:1-17

Classroom Exercise on Trust

Trust is an important component of friendship, and closely related to faith. Trust is something people use to critique their personal relationships—both friendships and dating relationships. Create a worksheet with the following sentence starters. Each sentence should be finished with a first name. Accompany the activity with a discussion about trust and what the students learned from writing down these names. Whom Do You Trust Fill in the blanks of people you trust to  . . . keep a secret __________________ . . . offer you sound advice __________________ . . . always be there for you __________________ . . . tell the truth no matter how bad—or how good—it is __________________ . . . borrow your car __________________ . . . stick up for you __________________ . . . use your debit car __________________ . . . look at your phone __________________ . . . take care of you when you are sick __________________ . . . take care of you if you were permanently disabled __________________