The Complete Encyclicals, Bulls, and Apostolic Exhortations

Volume 2


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When Pope Francis puts pen to paper, people around the world pay attention.

Between 2017 and 2020, the Holy Father published six groundbreaking documents with topics ranging from the importance of scripture to Catholic social teaching, and from injustice in the Amazon to the role of religion in building world peace.

These seven documents—letters, apostolic exhortations, an encyclical, and a statement cosigned by Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb—are gathered in one volume for the first time.

Volume 2 includes:

  • Gaudete et Exultate, March 19, 2018: In his apostolic exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad: On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World, Pope Francis reissues the universal call to holiness, challenges us to recognize the “saints next door” we encounter in daily life, and provides a practical meditation on how we can respond to the Lord’s invitation to become his disciples.
  • Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, February 4, 2019: This document emphasizes the important role of religion in building world peace and the rights of freedom, justice, and full citizenship for all people—including women. It was cosigned in Abu Dhabi by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, during Pope Francis’s apostolic visit to the United Arab Emirates.
  • Apperuit Illis, September 30, 2019: This apostolic letter, Instituting the Sunday of the Word of God, reflects on Vatican II’s teaching on the importance of the scriptures and encourages all Catholics to embrace the Bible as part of their rich spiritual heritage. 
  • Christus Vivit, March 25, 2019: Christ is Alive is the post-synodal apostolic exhortation to young people framed on three key principles: God loves you, Jesus saves and suffers with you, and Jesus is alive.
  • Querida Amazonia, February 12, 2020: The 2020 post-synodal apostolic exhortation Beloved Amazon addresses injustice and exploitation in the Amazon region, outlines challenges to caring for creation and respecting the cultures of indigenous peoples, and renews consideration of how the Church’s mission can and should take shape in the twenty-first century.
  • Fratelli Tutti, October 4, 2020: All Brothers and Sisters: On Fraternity and Social Friendship is Pope Francis’s third encyclical and the only one written between 2017 and 2020. This seminal work challenges us to take a fresh look at the great ideals of the Church’s social teaching and put them into practice on a new—and more personal—level.
  • Patris Corde, December 8, 2020: The apostolic letter With a Father’s Heart declared 2021 the Year of St. Joseph, and provides an extended meditation on the various facets of Joseph’s fatherhood.

Product Details

  • Pages: 416
  • Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
  • ISBN: 9781646801138
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

When Pope Francis puts pen to paper, people around the world pay attention.

Between 2017 and 2020, the Holy Father published six groundbreaking documents with topics ranging from the importance of scripture to Catholic social teaching, and from injustice in the Amazon to the role of religion in building world peace.

These seven documents—letters, apostolic exhortations, an encyclical, and a statement cosigned by Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb—are gathered in one volume for the first time.

Volume 2 includes:

  • Gaudete et Exultate, March 19, 2018: In his apostolic exhortation Rejoice and Be Glad: On the Call to Holiness in Today’s World, Pope Francis reissues the universal call to holiness, challenges us to recognize the “saints next door” we encounter in daily life, and provides a practical meditation on how we can respond to the Lord’s invitation to become his disciples.
  • Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together, February 4, 2019: This document emphasizes the important role of religion in building world peace and the rights of freedom, justice, and full citizenship for all people—including women. It was cosigned in Abu Dhabi by the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar, Ahmad Al-Tayyeb, during Pope Francis’s apostolic visit to the United Arab Emirates.
  • Apperuit Illis, September 30, 2019: This apostolic letter, Instituting the Sunday of the Word of God, reflects on Vatican II’s teaching on the importance of the scriptures and encourages all Catholics to embrace the Bible as part of their rich spiritual heritage. 
  • Christus Vivit, March 25, 2019: Christ is Alive is the post-synodal apostolic exhortation to young people framed on three key principles: God loves you, Jesus saves and suffers with you, and Jesus is alive.
  • Querida Amazonia, February 12, 2020: The 2020 post-synodal apostolic exhortation Beloved Amazon addresses injustice and exploitation in the Amazon region, outlines challenges to caring for creation and respecting the cultures of indigenous peoples, and renews consideration of how the Church’s mission can and should take shape in the twenty-first century.
  • Fratelli Tutti, October 4, 2020: All Brothers and Sisters: On Fraternity and Social Friendship is Pope Francis’s third encyclical and the only one written between 2017 and 2020. This seminal work challenges us to take a fresh look at the great ideals of the Church’s social teaching and put them into practice on a new—and more personal—level.
  • Patris Corde, December 8, 2020: The apostolic letter With a Father’s Heart declared 2021 the Year of St. Joseph, and provides an extended meditation on the various facets of Joseph’s fatherhood.
  • Pages: 416
  • Trim size: 6 x 9 inches
  • ISBN: 9781646801138
  • Imprint: Ave Maria Press

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