The Angels and Their Mission

According to the Fathers of the Church


Format: Paperback
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One of the foremost theologians at the Second Vatican Council, Father Jean Danielou discusses the mission of the angels in the economy of salvation and provides a very readable synthesis of the teachings of the church Fathers and later theological speculation concerning angels. In a work first publishing in 1953 in French and then translated into English four years later, Danielou begins by following a historical order, dealing with the angels in the world before the Incarnation, during our Lord's earthly life, and as presiding over the growth and development of the Church. We then have luminous chapters on the guardian angels, on the angels and the sacraments, the spiritual life, death, the Second Coming.

Product Details

  • Pages: 118
  • Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • ISBN: 9780870610561
  • Imprint: Christian Classics

One of the foremost theologians at the Second Vatican Council, Father Jean Danielou discusses the mission of the angels in the economy of salvation and provides a very readable synthesis of the teachings of the church Fathers and later theological speculation concerning angels. In a work first publishing in 1953 in French and then translated into English four years later, Danielou begins by following a historical order, dealing with the angels in the world before the Incarnation, during our Lord's earthly life, and as presiding over the growth and development of the Church. We then have luminous chapters on the guardian angels, on the angels and the sacraments, the spiritual life, death, the Second Coming.

  • Pages: 118
  • Trim size: 5.5 x 8.5 inches
  • ISBN: 9780870610561
  • Imprint: Christian Classics

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