Loughlan Sofield, S.T.
Brother Loughlan Sofield, S.T., is a member of the Missionary Servants of the Most Holy Trinity. He served as the director of the Missionary Servant Center for Collaborative Ministry; director of the Washington Archdiocesan Consultation and Counseling Center; and assistant director of the Center for Religion and Psychiatry, Washington, DC. Sofield has worked as a speaker and consultant in more than three hundred dioceses on six continents and served on the faculty of or lectured at many colleges and universities in the United States and abroad. Sofield is senior editor of Human Development magazine, has published numerous articles on ministry, and is coauthor of several books.
His awards include the Lumen Gentium, conferred by the Conference for Pastoral Planning and Council Development on an individual “who has implemented the direction and goals of the Second Vatican Council in an extraordinary manner” and the National Association of Lay Ministry’s Gaudium et Spes award, presented to one who has “evidence to the vision of Church articulated in the documents of the Second Vatican Council and who in a special way has advocated and fostered the enhanced role of laity.”