Episode 11

Jesus Heals the Whole Person

Featuring Jackie Mulligan

October 26, 2022 | 32 min.

Jackie Mulligan is a holistic nutritionist, Catholic wellness practitioner, and the founder and CEO of Reform Wellness.

Jackie Mulligan, CEO of Reform Wellness, says healing only happens when we know Jesus, rely on him, and allow him to heal us. We come to be healed through this relationship with Jesus.

Q: Share a bit about your background and ministry.A: I am the chief Eucharistic officer of Reform Wellness, a functional medicine practitioner, and an experienced educator. I paired my personal experience with my professional knowledge to create a ministry that innovatively merges faith and functional health. It was in Adoration that Reform was conceived to lead others to heal centered on the healing power of Jesus, the Divine Physician.

Reform is a Christ-centered wellness practice. Its mission is to empower the whole person to become a new creation in Christ by following a daily formation rooted in him to tend to the care of our body and soul. Reform views health as the whole person, both body and soul. Reform is for everyone because wholeness and holiness are for everyone. Reform educates others on the nine wellness pillars to redefine health as the whole person—nutrition, sleep, stress management, personal growth, community, play, space, functional movement, and faith at the center.

Reform works with private clients, corporate teams, religious communities, and educational institutions from around the world, both in-person and online. Whether you’re dealing with chronic health issues or having trouble sleeping and managing stress, Reform can help you feel and live better. Reform offers valuable information, educational resources, and lifelong tools to improve your well-being.

You can learn more at

Q: Tell us about your personal journey of healing.
A: About five years ago, I was very sick, working nonstop, and taking on the worries of the world. For years I relied solely on myself, which led to burnout, stress, and eventually compromised health. Thanks be to God, I found my true identity, healing, and wholeness in Jesus. I knew that in order to be well, I needed Jesus. Through countless hours spent in Adoration, I found a simpler way; a way centered on Christ, wellness, and freedom. Jesus invited me to reform my life, and so I chose to invite him into mine, giving him my fiat, my wholehearted “yes.” Everything changed when I received the grace from Mary to say “let it be done for me, through, with, and in Jesus.” Fiat means “let it be done.” I confused that with “let me make it be done,” “let me force it to be done,” “let me control it to be done.” Surrender led to me opening my heart and letting Jesus out of the box and into every part of my life—my plate, closet, workouts, relationships, and work. I now follow a daily formation to continue to keep longevity and heaven a goal.

Q: How have the sacraments played a role in your healing?
A: The Eucharist is the source of whole-person nourishment. Through daily Mass, Adoration, and frequent Confession, I continue to reform, grow closer to Jesus, and lead others to do the same. The sacraments allow me to shift from a posture of self-reliance into total reliance on Christ. The sacraments healed me, Reform changed me, and I pray the same for everyone who we are entrusted to lead.

Q: What piece of advice or encouragement would you give to someone who is struggling to find healing from the wounds of life?
A: Give Jesus permission to enter into every aspect of your well-being and life.

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