Part One: May Your Kingdom Come
Featuring Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat
Join Oscar and Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat as they unpack the powerful words, “may your kingdom come,” from the Our Father and uncover the true purpose of this often-overlooked line in one of Christianity's most beloved prayers. They dive into what it really means to invite God's Kingdom into our lives, exploring whether faith has become too individualized and how we can refocus on community and unity. Along the way, we’ll explore an “amen or ouch” approach to speaking truth that challenges and inspires. Grab a cup of matcha (or a plate of mangú!) and let’s explore what living for his kingdom looks like today.
About the Author
Bishop Joseph A. Espaillat, II, is the first Dominican-born auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of New York. Growing up in Manhattan, he learned to speak three languages: English, Spanish, and Street. He loves ministering the sacraments: celebrating the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, hearing confessions, and proclaiming the Word of God. He also loves working with youth and helping them encounter Christ. The founder of the ministry Messengers of Christ, Bishop Espaillat enjoys numerous sports, time with family and friends, watching movies, writing poetry, and rapping.
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