Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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Grow Giving During the COVID-19 Crisis

Fr. Michael White|Tom Corcoran
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Growing in Sexual Integrity

Patricia Cooney Hathaway
How often have you engaged in a conversation about sexuality and the spiritual life? Sex is one of the most primal human forces that is often misunderstood and not discussed. Our spiritual lives are often considered private and personal to us. Thus, we are met with a thundering silence regarding both. In this webinar, Patricia Cooney Hathaway will discuss the relationship between sexuality and the spiritual life as an avenue of God’s grace. she will explore a positive view of our sexuality, suggesting that the very energy that moves us toward intimacy and communion with others moves us also to union with God. Related Books
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Guiding Gay Catholics in Experiencing God's Love

Eve Tushnet, author of Gay and Catholic and Tenderness
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Healing Happens Communally: How Your Parish Can Support and Educate Those Struggling with Sexual Addiction

Rachael Killackey
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Healing through Relationships

Regina Boyd, licensed mental health counselor
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Help Your Parish Thrive and Grow with Small Groups

Tom Corcoran
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Helping Teens Lean Into Stress

Roy Petitfils
In this webinar Roy Petitfils will identify the difference between good and bad stress. He will show ministry professionals how to help teens not just cope with stress but utilize it to grow into happy, holy, healthy adults.
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The Spirituality High School of Administration Webinar

Ann Garrido
Administration is often critiqued both by those within and without the profession as work that takes good, fun-loving people and turns them into anxious curmudgeons. It doesn't have to be that way.Speaking out of her own experience as an administrator in theological education, Ann M. Garrido will look at practices of administration that can be potentially transformative, making us not only effective administrators but holier, healthier Christians.Participants will be invited to reassess their own daily administrative tasks with an eye toward how they might serve not only the greater Reign of God, but their own personal spiritual journe...
Administration is often critiqued both by those within and without the profession as work that takes good, fun-loving people and turns them into anxious curmudgeons. It doesn't have to be that way.Speaking out of her own experience as an administrator in theological education, Ann M. Garrido will look at practices of administration that can be potentially transformative, making us not only effective administrators but holier, healthier Christians.Participants will be invited to reassess their own daily administrative tasks with an eye toward how they might serve not only the greater Reign of God, but their own personal spiritual journey.This webinar is geared towards high school administrators and department chairs.
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