Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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Five Practical Ways to Grow Closer to the Heart of Jesus

Emily Jaminet
One of the most inspiring reasons to practice a deep and personal devotion to the Heart of Jesus is that it unites you to the "Heart of the Church." This prayerful practice has been lived out since St. John the Apostle placed his head on the breast of Jesus at the Last Supper. In this webinar, Emily Jaminet, executive director of the Sacred Heart Enthronement Network, will share a brief history of this powerful devotion and how our Lord is calling us to develop a deep and lasting relationship with His Most Sacred Heart.
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Five Ways to Celebrate the Jubilee Without a Flight to Rome

Joan Watson
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Forming Followers, Not Fans: How to Help Young People Meet Jesus

Katie Prejean McGrady
There are two essential questions young people ask during their faith formation:Who is Jesus?How can I get to know him for myself?Short of giving them a two hour lecture, what can we do to engage young people in practical, inspirational, and innovative ways that help them discover the answers to those questions and in the process actually form a relationship with the Lord?The answer is quite simple: teach them to pray, help them dive into Scripture, lead them to the Sacraments, and give them opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we help them do these things (pray, read, receive, and serve), then Jesus becomes far more than ...
There are two essential questions young people ask during their faith formation:Who is Jesus?How can I get to know him for myself?Short of giving them a two hour lecture, what can we do to engage young people in practical, inspirational, and innovative ways that help them discover the answers to those questions and in the process actually form a relationship with the Lord?The answer is quite simple: teach them to pray, help them dive into Scripture, lead them to the Sacraments, and give them opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus. When we help them do these things (pray, read, receive, and serve), then Jesus becomes far more than a fairytale figure or concept in a textbook. He becomes someone with whom they can have a real, personal, and authentic relationship.Join author and speaker Katie Prejean McGrady in this high-energy presentation for anyone who works with youth in the Church today.
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Fostering Healthy Teen Sexuality in Your Church Community: A Guide for Ministers

Julia Sadusky
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Pope Francis on Faith and Evangelization: Insights into Lumen Fidei and Evangelii Gaudium

Jared Dees
Pope Francis on Faith and Evangelization: Insights into Lumen Fidei and Evangelii GaudiumGet the PowerPoint and handouts for this webinar: Webinar Downloads. In the first year of his papacy, Pope Francis gave us two incredible documents to read, study, and apply to our daily lives. Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith) offers an overview and reflection on the meaning of faith and how it is important in the life of the Church and in the lives of individual Christians. Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) is a call to arms for the Christian faithful to step out of their comfort zones and become missionary disciples and spirit-filled evangeli...
Pope Francis on Faith and Evangelization: Insights into Lumen Fidei and Evangelii GaudiumGet the PowerPoint and handouts for this webinar: Webinar Downloads. In the first year of his papacy, Pope Francis gave us two incredible documents to read, study, and apply to our daily lives. Lumen Fidei (The Light of Faith) offers an overview and reflection on the meaning of faith and how it is important in the life of the Church and in the lives of individual Christians. Evangelii Gaudium (The Joy of the Gospel) is a call to arms for the Christian faithful to step out of their comfort zones and become missionary disciples and spirit-filled evangelizers.Jared Dees, author of The Lumen Fidei Study Guide and moderator of this Professional Development Webinar Series, will share some reflections for Catholic faith formation and evangelziation based on these two very important documents.The webinar will be divided into two parts:First, Jared will summarize and elaborate on the key points of both documents in a short overview that could easily be shared or adapted for parish presentations of these documents. (Free downloads will be available for webinar participants.)In the second part of the webinar, Jared will point out specific ways parish ministers can apply these documents to the way they carry out their work as pastors, DREs, catechists, teachers, faith formation leaders, retreat leaders, and parents.
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Does Your Parish Need a Fresh Approach to Marriage Preparation?

Deacon Stephen Bowling
Three years ago—about the same time that Pope Francis published Amoris Laetitia—Archbishop Joseph Kurtz asked Deacon Stephen Bowling to search for a new marriage preparation program that spoke to millennials and fostered life-long bonds between the engaged couple and the Church. Bowling, director of the Office of Family Ministries for the Archdiocese of Louisville, came upon Joined by Grace, a marriage prep program that emphasized the connection between marriage and the other six sacraments. In this webinar, Bowling will share many practical tips and strategies he has learned in the last three years to help you bring a fresh approach to ma...
Three years ago—about the same time that Pope Francis published Amoris Laetitia—Archbishop Joseph Kurtz asked Deacon Stephen Bowling to search for a new marriage preparation program that spoke to millennials and fostered life-long bonds between the engaged couple and the Church. Bowling, director of the Office of Family Ministries for the Archdiocese of Louisville, came upon Joined by Grace, a marriage prep program that emphasized the connection between marriage and the other six sacraments. In this webinar, Bowling will share many practical tips and strategies he has learned in the last three years to help you bring a fresh approach to marriage preparation in your parish or diocese.
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Seven Habits that Define our Catholic Identity Webinar

Bert Ghezzi
Seven Habits that Define our Catholic IdentityIn this informative webinar based on his book The Heart of Catholicism, Bert Ghezzi presents a vivid picture of what it means to be a Catholic. He describes in a lively popular format seven practices that shape us as Catholics.Bert lead participants in a discussion about the of these seven critical behaviors:\ndeveloping a personal relationship with Jesus;celebrating the Sacraments;observing the Liturgical Seasons;praying and reading Scripture daily;participating in your parish;sharing your faith; andpracticing Catholic social justice.\nYou will leave the webinar with a clearer and more confide...
Seven Habits that Define our Catholic IdentityIn this informative webinar based on his book The Heart of Catholicism, Bert Ghezzi presents a vivid picture of what it means to be a Catholic. He describes in a lively popular format seven practices that shape us as Catholics.Bert lead participants in a discussion about the of these seven critical behaviors:\ndeveloping a personal relationship with Jesus;celebrating the Sacraments;observing the Liturgical Seasons;praying and reading Scripture daily;participating in your parish;sharing your faith; andpracticing Catholic social justice.\nYou will leave the webinar with a clearer and more confident sense of your identity as a Catholic.
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Four Essential Practices for Great Catholic Parishes Webinar

Bill Simon
Four Essential Practices for Great Catholic Parishes WebinarWhat are the strategies and practices that parish leaders can use to make their churches great?In this webinar Bill Simon, founder of Parish Catalyst and author of Great Catholic Parishes, will share some of the most important findings in an exhaustive and unprecedented study of 244 successful Catholic parishes.Follow Parish Catalyst:
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