Professional Development Webinar Recordings

Join Ave Maria Press online for a series of free, professional development workshops for parish ministers! Enjoy access to free presentations by experts in every area of parish ministry from the comfort of your home or office.

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Revitalizing Parish Life: Bringing the Liturgical Year to Life in Your Community

Steffani Aquila, founder of Liturgy Culture & Kitchen by His Girl Sunday
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Faith Formation for the Generations & Seasons of Adulthood

John Roberto
One of the key features of twenty-first century adult faith formation is addressing the unique life tasks, needs, interests, and spiritual and faith journeys at each stage of adulthood: young adults (20s-30s), midlife adults (40s-50s), mature adults (mid 50s-mid 70s), and older adults (75+).Given this great diversity across the adult stage of life, it is imperative that adult faith formation programs, activities, and resources are targeted and tailored to the lives of adults—at each stage of life and in each generation.This webinar will provide practical approaches for addressing the four seasons of adulthood using new 21st century tools a...
One of the key features of twenty-first century adult faith formation is addressing the unique life tasks, needs, interests, and spiritual and faith journeys at each stage of adulthood: young adults (20s-30s), midlife adults (40s-50s), mature adults (mid 50s-mid 70s), and older adults (75+).Given this great diversity across the adult stage of life, it is imperative that adult faith formation programs, activities, and resources are targeted and tailored to the lives of adults—at each stage of life and in each generation.This webinar will provide practical approaches for addressing the four seasons of adulthood using new 21st century tools and methods.
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Running on Empty or Powered by Prayer? Tips to Rejuvenating Your Prayer Life to Build Your Ministry

Michele Faehnle|Emily Jaminet
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Saints and Angels in the Parish: Theology and Ministry

Elizabeth Klein
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The Secret to Teaching Adults in the RCIA

Nick Wagner
The Secret to Teaching Adults in the RCIAWhen you are leading a catechetical session, do you ever wonder if folks are really getting it? Will your teaching make any difference in their lives? How do you know if you are having any impact at all?When it comes to teaching adults, we have to switch gears. Adults have distinct learning needs and learning styles.In this webinar, Nick Wagner, director and founder of, will explore: Why using an adult-learning model is essential for catechumenate formation What adult learning looks like How to lead a catechetical session using adult learning methods What the impact of an adult learning...
The Secret to Teaching Adults in the RCIAWhen you are leading a catechetical session, do you ever wonder if folks are really getting it? Will your teaching make any difference in their lives? How do you know if you are having any impact at all?When it comes to teaching adults, we have to switch gears. Adults have distinct learning needs and learning styles.In this webinar, Nick Wagner, director and founder of, will explore: Why using an adult-learning model is essential for catechumenate formation What adult learning looks like How to lead a catechetical session using adult learning methods What the impact of an adult learning process might be for your parish
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Self-Compassion: The Antidote to Burnout and Fatigue

Kelly Johnson, cofounder of Nourish for Caregivers|Debra Kelsey-Davis, cofounder of Nourish for Caregivers
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Serving God Together: The Role of Deacons in Parish Life

Deacon Harold Burke-Sivers, founder of
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Sexual Healing and Wholeness

Bob Schuchts, founder of the John Paul II Healing Center
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